Wallet withdrawal feature request2019-09-01T23:52:58+05:30

Home Forums WooWallet Withdrawal Wallet withdrawal feature request

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  • Tosin Sonaike
    Post count: 9


    I really really want to purchase your wallet withdrawal addon but my use case scenario is limited. Please can you add the following feature request and I will immediately purchase your plugin.
    First of all, my site has thousands of users who are also affiliates. So it will be very difficult to handle withdrawal requests of thousands of users. I can only use Bank transfer option as the other payment options is limited in my country Nigeria. In Nigeria we have a payment company called PAYSTACK (https://paystack.com) which allows users to upload excel csv docs to facilitate automatic payment transfers.

    This are the features needed below.

    (1.) Option to set payment option for various countries, for example I want my affiliates in Nigeria to receive payments via bank transfer while my affiliates in US to receive payments via paypal or stripe.

    (2.) Ability to automatically approve all withdrawal request after the csv file has been exported. I want to automatically pay my affiliates at once at the end of each month instead of paying thousands of affiliates one by one with bank transfers.

    (3.) Ability to add and customise the bank details forms for additional form fields, also with the ability to set drop down select box for users to select their bank. This is needed as PAYSTACK requires additional information to process transfers in Nigeria. This additional form fields will appear in the exported csv payment file. view link https://paystack.com/blog/product/improvements-to-transfers

    (4.) CSV export of all withdrawal request for each month or year, also exporting a csv file should automatically mark exported users/affiliates as paid and approved. This csv file is needed by banks and paystack to easily facilitate payment transfers.

    (5.) Settings option to separate affiliate commission credits from actual deposited funds meant for product purchases. I was thinking if my users deposit funds into their wallet to purchase products on my site, I don’t want them to withdraw the money back from their wallet. I only want them to be able to withdraw their affiliate commission.

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