in conflict with woocommerce smart coupons.2020-11-21T18:35:15+05:30

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    When i check applly coupon as casback, it adds the discount amount to cart subtotal. For example:

    I have made a rule of 5%casback when the coupon is applied,
    Customer made a purchase of rs 500, then cb=25 to be added in wallet on completion of order.
    But what happening is order rises to total of rs 525, and on completion of order 25 is also getting added to wallet as cashback.

    While checking the error it is giving error only when the woocommerce smart coupons is activated and is only occuring for cashback coupons.

    Please help me in solving this issue on priority basis.

    Thank you

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    Hey Everyone, I am here to find a site which can provide me with discounts and coupons as well as cashback on all kinds of sports products. As I am interested in sports as everybody does. For this I went through different sites then I found a site which is almost according to my interest and provides the users discounts on sport products as well as on different store products. Is there anyone else who has used or knows about this site? If yes, kindly share your views with me or do recommend me any similar site like which I mentioned above. I would be glad if someone helps me out in this regard. Thanks

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