Woocommerce subscription & Membership2019-09-19T16:04:51+05:30

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  • protonwp
    Post count: 2


    First i waant to thank the developpers for this awessome plugin. i found it very useful.

    i have WC Subscription and WC Membership on my ecommerce site. i made 3 membership plans. when users purchase a plan, they have 100% discount on all product on the store.
    the problem im facing is: users that have purchased a plan (CLUB MEMBERS) and wanted to make a wallet top up they have 100% DISCOUNT. i want to exclude the wallet top up form the plans discount. how shoul i do that?…

    Subrata Mal
    Post count: 207


    Thanks for reaching out. You can exclude wallet top-up product from discount rules.

    Post count: 2


    Thank you for response. i triyed to do that by going to Woocommerce membership then i choose the plan i need to ad the rule (Bronze membership) then i go to Purchasing discount. in this section i have all product with 100% discount. i try to add new rule for product top up by putting this product to 0%. but when i save all , that rule disappear from the rules . dont know why?.
    i triyed to go directly to product wallet top up to ad the rule from product itself but product wallet top up is hidden private.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by protonwp.
    Subrata Mal
    Post count: 207

    Yes, wallet top-up product is a private product. If not then this will appear in the shop page. You have to use a filter from the membership plugin and exclude the top-up product. If you share your site information then maybe we can help you more on this.

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