Tokenomics and interest?2022-11-21T03:16:34+05:30

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    Im interested in knowing if it is possible to implement a couple functions, without completely have to alter the plugin code?

    1. Tokenomics.
    Would it be possible to cap the credit supply?
    I mean, you could issue 100.000 credits, and that would be the total supply.
    Your base peg price would then change, according to how many that actually bought credits. (Yes, its easier doing smth like that with solidity and web3 🙂 )

    2. Interest.
    Would it be possible to set a fixed apr, or compounding apy on someones wallet, so they could earn interest based on an apr/apy rate you set as an admin?

    Both suggestions would probably be an idea for a plugin extension,
    but i would really like to see these fuhnctions.

    If it is possible for you to ballpark how much you wouldve needed to make something like that on a custom install, id appreciate as well.

    Thank you 🙂

    Subrata Mal
    Post count: 207

    Thanks for reaching out.

    1. This point is unclear to us could you please share more details about this?
    2. We have a custom module for interest calculation the cost of that plugin is $75 please let us know if you are interested.
    Post count: 5

    1. It would be more like, issuing your own virtual currency in a closed ecosystem.
    Kinda like a cryptocurrency, except it would be a virtual currency.
    Theres a few negatives there, especially security on a wordpress site, versus security of a blockchain.

    2.I am wery interested in that 🙂
    Could you tell me a bit more about the functions and how it works?

    Tera wallet is a great base if you ever thinking about expanding.
    Full modules for hedgefund, banking, investing -sites are a real shortage in the wordpress community.

    Im not sure how many plugins ive sewn together now, but im considering just buying a hyip (they got the functions) script ..

    Subrata Mal
    Post count: 207

    Our plugin is designed to work with WooCommerce default store currency. We can introduce a new currency but it will conflict with WooCommerce.

    About our interest calculator plugin, the plugin has settings for interest calculation interval and interest rate field. The plugin will calculate interest automatically based on the interest interval and credit user wallet.

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