Edit Bank Transfer details? Agree a new payment method?2020-02-14T23:03:22+05:30

Home Forums WooWallet Withdrawal Edit Bank Transfer details? Agree a new payment method?

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  • Carlos Cuevas
    Post count: 1

    It´s Possible edit bank transfer details . In Mexico we need to fill out the field: “CLABE”.

    And Can I agree a new payment method?

    Thank you in advance.

    Post count: 6

    I’m looking for the same thing. we must be able to edit withdrawal fields.

    Subrata Mal
    Post count: 207

    Yes, it´s possible. We have a filter for that but have to do some custom code.

    Thank You

    Post count: 7

    Hye Subratal Mal,
    Could you guide us with the filter and code so we can add custom code to add:
    – Text
    – Button
    – Dropdown list

    Your kind assistance is much appreciated.

    Thank you

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