Reply To: CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE Error When Paying with Paypal2021-09-01T21:58:19+05:30

Home Forums Core CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE Error When Paying with Paypal Reply To: CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE Error When Paying with Paypal

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Hi Subrata, can you share more information on how I can capture the full order payload details? I tried capturing the payload submitted to PayPal through my Chrome Dev Tools but the purchase_unit property seems empty.

{"nonce":"9a51a0dc5c","purchase_units":[],"bn_code":"Woo_PPCP","payer":{"email_address":"","name":{"surname":"Super","given_name":"Super"},"address":{"country_code":"US","address_line_1":"124124 asdfasdf","address_line_2":"","admin_area_1":"ALB","admin_area_2":"asdfadfadf","postal_code":"23523"},"phone":{"phone_type":"HOME","phone_number":{"national_number":"35235"}}},"context":"cart"}

Is there a better way to catch the payload?

Re: the coupon, yes, the error shows up every time a cart is submitted through PayPal and the user has a balance greater than zero. All regardless if a default WooCommerce coupon is applied or not. On the other hand, if I don’t select PayPal as my payment method, it proceeds to the checkout page as expected.
