Reply To: Show the wallet even without balance2019-09-09T06:12:50+05:30

Home Forums Core Show the wallet even without balance Reply To: Show the wallet even without balance

Post count: 12

This can’t be done without modifying core code. But you could try this depending on your setup.
add_filter( ‘woocommerce_no_available_payment_methods_message’, ‘top_up_balance_error’ );
function top_up_balance_error() {
//edit content to what you would like.
//make sure to add link to your wallet or add credits page.
$content = ‘Your balance is not enough. Top-up now to complete checkout’;
return $content;

This will change the output for when there are no available payment methods from the generic

“Sorry, there is no available payment method for your current state…. etc”
