Reply To: The WOO wallet withdrawal plugin is not functioning2019-02-09T21:55:06+05:30

Home Forums WooWallet Withdrawal The WOO wallet withdrawal plugin is not functioning Reply To: The WOO wallet withdrawal plugin is not functioning

Subrata Mal
Post count: 207


Since then, my WOO wallet has been allowing customers to place an order even when they did not have money in their wallet, and after it will put their balance as debt, which means they are owning the system for placing order, this is dangerous to the nature of my business.

We have tested this can’t find any error (If there is no balance in user wallet then the user will not have the wallet as a payment option)

For notification and bank account details validation we will update the plugin as soon as possible.

Looking forward to your co-operation regarding the same.

Thanks and Regards,
