Reply To: CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE Error When Paying with Paypal2021-09-01T21:35:57+05:30

Home Forums Core CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE Error When Paying with Paypal Reply To: CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE Error When Paying with Paypal

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Hi Subrata, thanks for your reply. Apologies for the confusion, the payload above was the pattern suggested by PayPal engineers to follow.

The payload below is the actual payload that PayPal has identified as a call that came from the merchant (our website).

“items”: [


“category”: “PHYSICAL_GOODS”,

“description”: “”,

“name”: “Via wallet”,

“quantity”: 1,

“sku”: “”,

“tax”: {

“currency_code”: “USD”,

“value”: “0.00”


“unit_amount”: {

“currency_code”: “USD”,

“value”: “-11.79”




The -11.79 was the value of the wallet during checkout for this specific user. Hope that helps clarify.

Meanwhile, there’s no issue with users that has no wallet balance during checkout. This can simulate to some degree the disabling of the plugin because no wallet-related amount is passed to PayPal.

Aooreciate your response, Subrata.

  • This reply was modified 2 years, 12 months ago by johnbautista.
  • This reply was modified 2 years, 12 months ago by johnbautista.